The Lord of Hope and Unity (LHUM) Restoration Center was created from the Lift Him Up Prison Ministry of First S.D.A. Church of Riviera Beach Florida. LHUM Restoration Center was established in 2018.
Mission Statement
The mission of “Lord of Hope and Unity Ministries Restoration Center” (LHUM) Restoration Center INC is to constructively support citizens returning from short-term or long-term corrective confinement by providing comprehensive programs that promote successful and productive community living.
Why We Exist
Nationally, over 600,000 individuals are released from state and federal prisons, and 12 million cycle through county jails each year. In Palm Beach County we have an average of 100 returning from state prisons each month. Many are returning unprepared for life on the outside. They will experience reconnecting with jobs, housing and their families, and accessing needed substance abuse and health care treatment.
Most will be rearrested within three years, and/or returned to prison for new crimes or parole violations. The cycle of incarceration and reentry into society carries the potential for profound adverse consequences for prisoners, their families, and communities. But just as the potential costs is great, so too are the opportunities for interventions that could enhance the public safety, health and cohesion of the communities at the center of this cycle.
Within Palm Beach County there is a need for a program offering supportive guidance and recidivism help for individuals who have been newly released after serving time in the county jail and have not a support plan for reentry into the community. Currently, such programs only serve individuals newly released after serving a corrective sentence in prison.
LHUM facilitates the interpersonal supportive activities needed for individual development, independence, and successful citizenship and community reentry. Through partnership with various churches and community resources, and through the “Pathway to Independence Program (which includes social, medical, nutritional, economical, biblical, career development and educational reinforcements).
Long Term Goal
To open a Transition House to provide transitional housing and services for newly Returning Citizens who are reentering the community after release from the Palm Beach County jail.